For the proper organization and effective use of the honey base of beekeeping, it is important to assess the honey productivity of the area.
Honey plants are a source of food for bees and commercial products of apiaries. The nectar collected on them is processed by bee colonies into honey, and a stock of bee bread is created from flower pollen.
When assessing the area in a melliferous relation and compiling a honey balance of an apiary, it is necessary: take into account the species composition of honey plants in the area of productive flight of apiary bees; identify the area occupied by honey plants; calculate the honey reserve of the area; determine the number of bee colonies that can be provided with honey in a given apiary.
Features of the app:
- creation of apiaries and showing their locations on the map;
- displaying a list of fields;
- recording the weight of control hives;
- recording weather data;
- adding photos.
- creation of fields on a map of the area;
- determination of productive areas of the field, for each apiary separately;
- distribution of fields into groups.
Floral sources
- creation of honey plants;
- making the sequence of flowering.
The beginning of flowering of melliferous plants depends on the latitude and longitude of the area, growing conditions, as well as meteorological indicators of a given year, but the sequence of flowering of honey plants for all areas is more or less the same.
The app allows you to synchronize data on all devices:
- automatic synchronization between a computer, phone or tablet;
- start work on one device and continue on another.